How to make the perfect brew?
Hands up!
Who loves a cuppa? Us hairdressers certainly do - especially now we aint at work.
It is estimated that 165 million cups of tea are drunk every day and for most of us is a daily ritual.
Amongst all this panic buying, have you remembered the teabags?
I’m sure we’re all going to be even bigger tea drinkers by the end of this chaos (probably onto the stronger stuff actually) but what is the correct way to make the perfect cuppa? Of course, the most important question is do you put the milk in first or at the end?!
Instructions for the perfect cup of tea for one,
Add 1 cup/200ml of freshly boiled water to your tea bag (in a mug)
Allow the tea bag to brew for 2 minutes.
Remove the teabag.
Add 10ml of milk.
Wait 6 minutes before consumption for the cuppa to reach its optimum temperature of 140 F/60 C.
Now with all this time on our hands its time to measure out the correct ml!
Are you a quick dunk of the teabag and lots of milk or do you prefer a builders cup of tea? Let us know what number from the pic below you are and we’ll make sure the kettle is on for your next visit.
Stay Home, Keep Safe
Team Glam