Beauty- First time waxing?
Lets set the scene - you do your research and find a well-recommended waxing salon. Of course you choose GlamouriZe. You book your first...
Beauty- First time waxing?
Here’s to 2020!
Caring for your hair during the winter months
Christmas at GlamouriZe
Lets talk transformation - Hair Colour
After care - Hair
Why choose short hair
Lets talk transformation- Hair extensions
Transformations - Kerasilk Control
Glam tips to keep your hair stunning this summer
Life as a hairdresser - Junior stylist
Life of a hairdresser - The working mum
Happy Birthday to us!!
Frequently Asked Questions- Hair Extensions
Spring has sprung
Frequently asked questions - Hair Colour
Frequently asked questions - HAIR
The balancing act that’s called being a business owner
3 Glam tips - Curls
3 Glam tips - Smooth, Silky hair